Entertaining. Inspirational. Educational. Transformational.

A recognized leader in high performance, Frederick delivers innovative and transformational keynotes, workshops and seminars to diverse audiences. Institutions of higher learning, churches, corporations, and other special and private events have been inspired by Frederick's work. The central theme of Frederick's messages are mastering "The Success Principles" and "DreamBuilding".

Not only will your audience be inspired and motivated to achieve greater success, they will receive the tools necessary to build confidence and think like a winner.






Invite Frederick To Your Next Event Today!

The Success Principles

With Frederick's personal guidance you will discover your life's purpose, prioritize your goals, and discover the relevant next steps to achieving anything you want. Success in any area is not an accident. You will learn how to be intentional about your personal and professional success by applying principles that have stood the test of time.

You Will Learn How To:

  • Take 100% control over your life and results
  • Release limiting beliefs and negativity from the past
  • Create a clear vision for your life
  • Begin moving toward your goals without having everything "together"
  • Create new success habits while replacing the habits that no longer serve your purpose
  • Utilize visualization to create clarity and power
  • Create a strong support or mastermind group
  • Identify what's really keeping you from moving forward towards your goals
  • Access powerful mentors to help facilitate your success

And much, much more!

You will emerge a new person - having a new found confidence, a new way of thinking and believing, possessing new success skills and moving towards a new direction in life.

Contact Frederick About The Success Principles Today!

"Frederick is a passionate, engaging and empowering speaker. His heart is always for the growth and advancement of his audience. His content is power-packed and his delivery is heartfelt and informative. I highly recommend Frederick for your next event."

Dr. Alex Ellis
Award winning author of Restoring The Male Image, Founder and CEO of Tied To Greatness

"Book this man now!"

"Coach" Greg Austin
Former Philadelphia Eagles assistant coach and current Offensive Line coach, University of Nebraska

"For the past year Frederick has inspired me to achieve greater levels of success through goal setting and consistency. He is a dynamic speaker who is passionate about unlocking the greater potential within us. Frederick has a unique way of getting people to take their excuses and turn them into rungs on the ladder of success. I highly recommend him."

Christian Kittrell
Development and Alumni Relations, University of Pennsylvania

"Frederick was a speaker at our recent Born 2 Lead Summit and was absolutely outstanding. Very insightful and impactful. His material will leave you with new perspectives and light a fire in you that won't be extinguished. I can't wait to have him back!"

Dr. Troy Davis
Author, Founder and CEO of Born 2 Lead


In this enlightening program, Frederick will guide you through the three (3) stages of Dreambuilding - Blueprinting, Bridging and Building - the proven, reliable and repeatable formula to creating a life you would love living, faster and more easily than you ever imagined possible.

What You Will Discover:


  • How to create a clear vision for what you would love in each of the four key areas of life - Health/Well Being, Relationships, Vocation/Career and Time and Money Freedom
  • How to put your dream to the test. A simple but powerful "5-Point Test" you can take that will give you clarity on whether a dream you are considering for your future is truly worthy of you...Before you invest your time energy and focus on it
  • How to become a "Match" for your vision. If your vision is big enough, it will require that we become a different person than we are today
  • Plus much, much more!


  • How to raise your level of "Deservedness". You cannot outperform your personal self-image. The results you get in life in whatever area will always be in alignment with your self-image, and Frederick will show you how to increase this quickly and easily
  • How to release feelings of fear, doubt, worry, insecurity and unworthiness - and replace them with the clarity, confidence and prosperity-focused mindset that will ignite the fire of your dreams and goals
  • How to go from "Living From Deficits" - I don't have the money, I don't have the education, I don't have the know-how, the experience, the connections, etc. - to living from a place of "Abundance" - understanding that what you have currently is enough to create any future you desire
  • Plus much, much more!


  • We've heard it before, "Be not hearers only but doers". However, many people have a disempowering relationship to taking action - experience has taught them that creating change in their lives is difficult, uncomfortable and at times unsuccessful. This makes sense because most people have been taught to take action from a place of "Force" or "grinding". Rather than coming from a place of force, Frederick will teach you how to align with the universal Laws of Success which will put you in a state of "Flow". Taking this kind of action towards your dreams will feel easy and inspiring in contrast to hard and discouraging
  • Plus much, much, more!

DreamBuilders transforms the circumstance-driven person to the vision-driven person. Your thoughts and actions begin automatically aligning with what you want to create in life. The opportunities for the advancement of your dream begin to appear when you are a "Match" for your vision.

Contact Frederick About DreamBuilders Today!

Breakthrough To Success Live!

A Unique, Two-Day Immersion Experience Where I'll Take You By The Hand And Personally Help You Attain The Life That You Envision For Yourself - The Life That You Deserve!

Coming Soon!

50% Complete

Two Step

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